Sunday, February 24, 2013

Wise words, walks and more hearts...oh my!

I missed Friday's walk because of time constraints and work load. I am fine with that because we got a good walk in on the others days. I still feel like I need to step it up a bit and will be fitting in Dr. Oz's 7 Day Belly Workout again sometime this coming week.

I have not been on a scale since my last doctors appointment but I can feel my bottom and waist are getting thinner. I have not changed the amount that I eat, just the choices that I make. I will admit that the two boxes of Girl Scout Cookies I bought on Friday are almost gone ;) I can reassure you that on my plate at dinner you now see more salad then meat and barely any bread. Early day meal choices consist of fruit, leftovers, lettuce wraps and Cheerios with local honey added.

I have even better news; seems that my family is following my example. My hubby has been walking a little with his cousin and my daughter has been doing extra exercises in her room after school (crunches, squats, leg lifts, etc). Part of this journey was to make a healthier life for them as well.

Here are some exercise quotes to help get the motivation juices flowing...

“My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the heck she is.” ~ Ellen DeGeneres

 “All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols

“An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

And here is one that will get me going today...

“Get comfortable with being uncomfortable!”~ Jillian Michaels

Nobody likes to be taken out of their comfort zone, yet it seems that true growth (personal, mental, physical, spiritual, any growth) happens just outside that area.

Thursday was busy so Pup and I left 20 minutes earlier than we normally would to pick up my daughter from school. On Rough and Ready Highway by Twin Cities Church there is a walking trail and we just walked back and forth on that a few times until we had no time left.

I love exploring new trails, you never know what you might find!

Always nice on Litton Trails!
Of course! It would not be a normal day without seeing at least one heart!
My daughter is starting to see them in objects too. She found one side to a heart, the silly thing is my Mom found the other side the other day and kept it. Now, my daughter has a full heart to share tomorrow at school.

This will be part of a project. My daughters hands and heart are full of love!

Well, today is Sunday. I know that there will be a walk today; when is the real question. I guess it will happen when and where it happens. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend! Until next time, I be walking!

Love and light my friends, thanks for reading!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


There is no better motivator for me to get up and go outside then snow! Not sure if my love of it comes from my Norwegian roots, being born during a major snow storm or if it is the kid in me that I refuse to let go of but I love it! The more snow the better

Alyssa made a snow heart for me!

Playing in the snow! Took the sled on our walk today and had a bunch of dog is obsessed with snow and likes to have it thrown or kicked into her face. She is a maniac!

Hearts are everywhere, you just have to look!

Myself, enjoying the snow

We saw this on our driveway at the end of our walk...told you, hearts are everywhere

 My heart is full now! Here is some random snow pictures...

Can you see the heart?

How about now?

Alyssa and Pup

Snowy Oak
Dramatic contrast...much more dramatic in person but still cool in photo.

Snowy Sunset

Snowy Sunset

Good Morning Nevada County! Sunrise after the snow storm...
The morning after a snow storm is one of my most favorite times in Nevada County.
Another Snowy Oak
I just loved this scene and decided to capture it.

 Hope you enjoyed, until next time I be walking :)

P.S. I have been gathering things for a basket that I hope to giveaway soon. This basket will be full of items to promote healthy living! Stay tuned...

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Where there is a will, there is a way!

Monday - 8:31 am - In the past four days I have walked only two of them. This weekend was pretty busy for us so I did not have the time to work the walks in. I can feel it and based upon how much energy Pup has she is feeling it too. Gonna take a long walk today, not sure where, not sure when but WE WILL! We are expecting rain and snow later tonight and tomorrow! Yahoo, we need the weather!

I hurt my back doing Dr. Oz's 7 Day Belly Workout so I have not been doing it. I hope to get back on track with it soon!

 Tuesday - 2:28 pm - We walked yesterday, twice! Once to walk and another time to find my wallet. Good work out and I got some amazing images! Everything happens for a reason...

There is a storm rolling in, looking to the south, south-westish...
...looking to the north, north-eastish.
New trail for us
Still noticing hearts, there were more than three on this walk.

Absolutely beautiful!

Mom and I...found the wallet!

 It has been snowing all day! I am ending this post and getting ready to head out and go walk in it! I just love the snow, always have and always will!

Oh, yeah, the heart monitor was put on today. It's itchy.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I am always playing catch up....ALWAYS!

Playing catch up is the story of my life, always playing...

Friday - I had a large work load on this day so I did not walk. I did get a lot done though, personally and professionally!

Saturday - Unexpected company prohibited the family hike we had planned. Grrr, love the company but not a big fan of "unexpected". Oh well, take it as it comes and deal as you will.

Sunday 8:38 am - I WILL WALK! I will. We had a lot going on this day so I was not sure when but I knew I was going to!

2:45 pm - Family came over and we hiked down the mountain again. It was fun! My daughter and pup were really happy about that.

Monday - I had so much work to this day that I did not get a walk :( I did get a lot done in the office and at home though!

Tuesday - My daughter asked me to wait for our walk so she could go we wait!

4:15 pm - Walk done!

Wednesday - I am supposed to be having an Valentine's Day Sale for my creations but moved it online because I am not feeling well. Stomach ache, headache and annoying cough.  I must have what Alyssa has been working through all week. She has a higher tolerance for it though because she has not stopped moving, where I have landed flat on my butt!

If a walk happens today, it will happen much later...

Sunday, February 10, 2013

What it is like to be me...a day in the life of The Herbert's

Being me is not bad, being me is actually pretty wonderful! Many have commented on how busy I am, how much I do, etc., so I thought I would blog about what a typical day is like for my family, that is if it is a typical least once a week the unexpected happens.

I wake up anywhere from 430 am to 630 am, depending upon my work load. Usually, I am up around 530 am because that is just when my body says to get moving. I say good morning to the dog and cat, start the coffee pot and if it is cold I start a fire. KCRA 3 News is on but turned down all the way so that it does not wake my family. This is my time to get things done so I do whatever I can to let them sleep; plus they need their sleep. This is also a time where I watch the sunrise and thank God for life. Since I have started doing this, I am noticed small changes happening for the better in our lives. Prayer is very important.

With coffee in hand, I sit down at the computer to check email and Facebook. This gets my brain juices flowing. Then, if I have work, I work. If I do not have work, I find something that needs to be done. With three businesses being operated out of  our house, there is always something to do whether it is bookkeeping, marketing or just planning. What businesses, you ask? My husband's handyman business, my virtual assistance business and my handmade creations business. I will include links to them at the end of this blog.

Then at about 7:30 am the family starts to get up. If Pat has work that day, I get the invoices and map ready for him and if he wants I make him a lunch. If it is a school day, it is all about getting our daughter ready. This is my least favorite part of the day. 1) I have to become a NAG  and 2) I have to be with out my baby for the day (this is a bitter sweet thing, LOL). We leave the house by 8:40 am, daughter is off to school by 9 am and if it is Monday I stay to volunteer in her class. If it is any other weekday, the second part of my "work" day begins.

I emphasized "work" with parentheses because this is the time of day I have to prioritize the things that need to be done.  Work comes in many different forms as I am a wife and mother as well as a professional. Some day's one or all of our businesses take top priority, other days housework, chores and other personal responsibilities take over. Most of the time, it is a blend of business and personal tasks that make it on the calendar. It just depends.

How do I keep it all together? Giggle, on the days I do, LOL, Google Calendar is my best friend! I keep this calendar color coded so that I know what tasks are the most important and who they are for. Most days this calendar looks like a rainbow! Thank you Google!

If I have any errands to run before getting my daughter from school I stop work at about 2 pm and head out. If not, I work until 3 pm. Since I sit in the pick up line for sometimes up to a half an hour, I bring work with me. I have a bag which I call "My Mobile Office", this bag allows me to work anywhere!

We are back home at 4 pm, just in time to give my daughter a little break/snack, start dinner and dive into homework. Homework, dinner, shower, bed by 9 pm. This time of the day, my favorite (because we are all home) goes by the fastest. Go figure!

Walking? Walking has become a top priority for me although it does not involve the business or taking care of the family I be sure to fit it in somewhere on a daily basis. While that realistically does not happen, I hold that intention all day until it gets done or has to be forgotten about. So far, I have only missed a couple of days.

Walking is top priority for me now because it allows time for me to gather my thoughts, sweat and spend time outdoors; it is a time that is all about me. Those of you who have known me for a long time know that this is a huge change! I have never put myself first. Honestly, it felt strange at first. I recently realized that if I want things to be good with my family and career, I have to make sure that I am all good.  Hey, if Mama aint happy, nobody is happy!

On the weekends things are a little more relaxed; however, we live by the motto, "No rest for the wicked" so we keep ourselves busy doing the things we did not get done the work week before and preparing for the work week ahead.

Herbert's Overhead Maintenance is my husband's bread winning business. He is a handyman that specializes in roof and gutter maintenance. I run the office and he does all the work. Together we are a good team!

Sarah Herbert's Virtual Services is my business. I help businesses virtually with many different tasks like e-news letters, social media, research, etc. I am at a crossroads with this project and will soon be going over all the aspects to fine tune, adjust and move forward.  I went to school for this and received my Virtual Office Professional Certificate June of 2011.

Crandall's Creations is also my business. I make and sell handmade earrings and other jewelry. In the near future I hope to add on things like sachets and note cards. This is the third time, third name and third attempt at making this work. I just cannot let this project go. Three times a charm!

My passion is helping people and creating things...all three of these businesses fulfill this. In my spare time I write. I am currently working on a children's book and book about life. Both I hope to publish someday, but for now they are an outlet. I also look for recipes to tweak and subs to use for healthier living. Perhaps this will turn into a book too. Healthy living for myself and family has recently become a priority.

So there you have it, a day in the life of the Herbert's!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

We'll be coming around the mountain when we come...

First, I want to wish my husband, Pat, a VERY Happy Birthday! 
I love you Babe and I am so glad to be on the journey with you

Wednesday - Yesterday's walk turned into an unexpected mountain climbing excursion. I have to agree with my daughter, this was the best walk EVER!

It started out normal, we took the NID ditch on our side of the road. It is flat and busier than the other trails we take so Pup needs to be on the leash most of the time. I did not have her on and we came across another person with the dog who was also not on a leash. All went well and there was no incident.

My daughter saw a trail that headed straight up a hill off in to the forest. I had seen it before and told my self that someday I would see where it led and today was the day. It was basically a deer trail, you could see where they eat their way through, LOL!

This is the middle of the trail where it kinda leveled out.
It took us straight into the forest all right! We stopped when we came across a private property sign and turned around to find ANOTHER trail, well sorta. You could see where the animals scaled down the mountain to the creek so we took it. A couple steps into this new direction I noticed that we were not far from home! I could actually see the creek and the roofs to our house. Onward we go!

My daughter, Mother and Pup...which way should we go? Well, it was so steep and the dirt was very soft so we all just found our own way down... was really not that bad, but we like this kind of thing! Exploring....
When we got down to the creek we meandered upstream, checking out all the details. We saw hearts, we saw animals homes, we saw moss, we saw all things natural :)

...because this is what you get to find along the way....

...of course, we were shown love from above along the way...
...the only way to get a picture of Poppy is by chance. She will not sit still long enough. Silly goof...

I wish I would have taken pictures along the way home. We climbed up a muddy, rocky, hill that's pitch was more like a wall. We did it, but Pup could not :( She actually fell and thank goodness did not hurt herself (Well, at least not that we can tell). Poppy looked at us like, "Are you going to leave me? Don't leave me!" It was so sad. The energy became very frantic. My daughter and Mother began thinking of creative ways to get her out; the best one being that I could hold my mother's legs while she dangled off the "wall" hill we climbed up so she could reach pup to put her leash on. While that would have been fun, my logical approach was to find a place down stream that was not as steep where Poppy could get to us. Now why we did not think to do that ourselves, I do not know. Those of us who know us, and know us when we are together, know that is just how we do things. All is good!

This is a picture of the sunset last night. Loved it and wanted to share!

I love where I live!
Today, Poppy and I took a walk early on. The weather forecast predicted rain with possible snow tonight. Oh I hope so! Thanks for reading folks!

Love, light, peace and all things good!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

We needed this!

Just me, Pup and woods...nothing but forest
I really pushed myself today. So hard I found my self grunting and moaning and screaming! My dog is such an inspiration for me, I sware!

We took the big hill at the end of the walk today, rather than at the begining. Holy cow, I felt the burn and it felt good ;)

In the beginning of the hill I could not get Pup to slow down and go my pace. She was a consistent 8 feet ahead of me until she reached the top and stopped. I think that she knew I was gonna leash her and have her help me up the hill, smarty pants! Towards the end she decided to come down and leash up. She guided me the rest of the way and made me push myself as I did not want to tug her to hard; hence the screaming at the top of the hill, I thought I was gonna keel over.

When we got home I got caught up on all of the tummy exercises for Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of  Dr. Oz's 7 Day Belly Workout. My lower back is popping and tender on some of them, but I am hoping that will all change as weight is lost.

I made an appointment to get the heart monitor put on next week. I am nervous, but hopeful that all I need to do is get healthier and that there is nothing wrong. Time shall tell...

Love and light and thank you so much for reading! I want you to know I appreciate it!

Playing catch up and there is talk of a Giveaway...

OK, I'll admit it, I have been slackin'. Only because of time and responsibilities. All I want and need is a good non rushed, with no interruptions walk. Today, that will become reality.

Saturday - My daughter was chosen to be Star of the Week in her class. She is very excited, so excited that we had to take family photos with pup in order to make her poster complete. Exercise came in the form of my family and I wondering around the forest looking for places to pose. Very low impact physically, spiritually the impact was astronomical!
The Herbert's

Sunday - Superbowl Sunday! It is too bad that the 49ers did not win. I do not watch football until near the end of the season AND I can tell you that the ref made bad calls in the end. I do not know if the Niners would have had a chance anyway due to their rocky start but they sure did make a come back in the second half. Hey, did you know that Beyonce is part of the Illuminati? That the game was fixed along with the power outage? I heard all of that too, whether it is all true or not, only the Universe knows!

I did not walk today. My family went to a Super Bowl Party and I used the quiet time to catch up on some work. I have not done any of Dr. Oz's 7 Day Belly Workout, but I am going to pick up where I left off soon.

Monday - In the class with my daughter and her friends today. The kids seemed happy and the boys were all wrapped up in Superbowl talk. So cute!

I took a sunset walk with pup in a new location. This location is a place where I take sunset photos often. My pup is not used to the place and she did not like it. Pup gets very anxious on concrete and around cars; if there is a lot of both she freaks and is a nightmare to handle the whole time. This time it was not that bad since the concrete and cars were minimal but she still pulled me to the dirt/wooded area. Once we got there she calmed down. My pup is a lot like me in that respect; the more trees and dirt, the better! Still slacking on Dr. Oz's 7 Day Belly Workout.

I DID play Just Dance on the Wii with my daughter; I am going to classify that as a workout!

Sunsets amaze me because they change so much and so rapidly during their existence. We started walking and there were many clouds, I thought that there might not be a sunset after all....
...but then the clouds passed...

...changing the sky and created colors that only God could make.

Oh...and if you were wondering if I still saw hearts; yes, I am still seeing hearts. I am still seeing them in nature but now starting to see them in everyday objects; like this $5 bill. This is a bill that I received as change for my daughter's dance tuition. She just started and I have been wondering if we started her at the right studio. After seeing this, I instantly knew this was the place for her

So, today is Tuesday and I am about to leave and take a long walk with my dog...with no interruptions and nothing but us and nature. Perhaps after I will catch up on Oz's 7 Day Belly Workout. I don't, you will have to check back later to find out.

Are you ready for a Giveaway? One might be coming will have to check back to find that out too ;) Aren't I a stinker?