Wednesday, January 15, 2014

✯ Homemade Mocha or Mexi-Mocha ✯

Mochas are my weakness, decaf of course. Because I do not always have the time nor the cash to stop in the coffee shop to get one I started doing this. I am sure I am not the only one who does this but thought I would share.

Brewed Coffee
Instant Hot Chocolate Mix
Pumpkin Spice

All you have to do is make the Hot Chocolate as it suggests on the package and instead of using water or milk, use the brewed coffee. I usually do this in the afternoon and use the coffee that is left over from the morning.

Add a splash of milk and there you have a mocha. If you desire a Mexi-Mocha, which is usually made with a spiced chocolate just add some pumpkin spice or cinnamon. Yummy!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Back at it...and it feels good!

Hello friends! Pup and I took a quick walk today and it was so good to be back at it.
I think Pup was happy to be walking again too!
 I really did not hold back with the eating this holiday and based upon my check up at the doctor it shows. I will not tell you what # I am at but I will tell you that since late September I gained 9 pounds!! Eek!

Been wondering how many "start overs" I will be doing when it comes to loosing weight. I guess as many as it takes, eh? I know what I need to do, I just need to do it. It is so easy to spout out and believe the excuses you put out for yourself.

Pretty Winter day here in Northern California

So consider this start over, reset, moving on #3. Three is a number that has popped up many times in my life, may this be the bout that keeps me focused and accountable. While many are struggling to start their New Year resolution, I have not made this one of mine. New Years resolutions are too easy to let go of and feel alright about it. This is my new life resolution (number 3, lol).

Here is to 2014, may it be a year of implementing changes, staying focused,  being accountable and acknowledging excuse from reality.

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 *·~-.¸-(★ Love and Light ★)-,.-~*