Thursday, February 13, 2014

A converstaion with all honesty.

Higher Self: Where have you been?
Ego: Here, there and everywhere is the most honest answer.
Higher Self: Have you been walking?
Ego: No. Well, here and there but not anything consistent.
Higher Self: Why?
Ego: Good question, which I cannot answer without spewing off a hundred different excuses. Bottom line is that something "more important" came up each day and I could not do it.
Higher Self: What is more important than oneself?
Ego: Family and work obligations...doooe, what am I saying?

This is a conversation that I have with myself almost daily AND I know that some of you do to. I am not the only one who struggles with motivation in the area of health and exercise. Truth is, the very things that motivate me (family and work) are the very things that stand in the way of my own motivation. Yeah, it is nuts BUT again I know that some of you understand this concept. It is not until I started to listen to myself that I began realizing just how ridiculous this cycle is.

The top three lessons that I have learned in the past few years is...

1. Happiness is in the eye of the beholder.
2. It is important to take care of your self on all levels; mentally, physically and spiritually. You cannot care for anyone else unless you are up to par. Especially true for us mothers.
3. The first two are very much easier said than done.

Acknowledging the cycle is the first step to breaking it. Realizing how ridiculous the cycle is and the outcome it has on yourself and your family is the next step. What comes next is the decision to change and to act on that change. Finally, the change sets in and it becomes your new life.

With my weight struggle I am somewhere between realizing the cycle and deciding to change. Again. I will start over as many times as needed, because that is how important it is to me. For me, and for my family. What is that proverb?
"'Tis a lesson you should heed:
Try, try, try again.
If at first you don't succeed,
Try, try, try again."
~William Edward Hickson

Another good reason to walk, my pup!

Nice trail.
Yep, still seeing hearts. Not nearly as much as I once was but they are still there.
And at the end of the day, the Universe always delivers!

 Love and light my friends! Thank you for reading :)

10 Things I Would Like to Learn in the Next 35 Years of my life

Just for fun...10 things I would like to learn in the next 35 years of my life.

1. More about quantum physics, how this world really works and our connection to it.

2. How to grow big potatoes. My crop is always filled with little ones.

3. To think before reacting.

4. Which mushrooms and plants are edible in Nevada County along with their medicinal uses.

5. How to publish a book.

6. How to use the pressure canner for meats, potatoes and beans. I have mastered the art of tomato sauce, getting a grip on jams and almost comfortable with pickling everything.

7. How to hunt, clean and store meat. Ya know, deer and such.

8. Patience. True, honest to goodness patience. You know the kind that comes naturally, peacefully.

9.  To be a life coach (much later on in life).

10. How and where to find quartz crystals in California. Everyone who knows, keeps it a secret ;)