Friday, October 11, 2013

I am not having fun anymore, I should have listened to my parents!

The road to dental health has proven to be quiet a journey. It has not been easy (I am a Crandall and things do not come easy for us). It has, however, been full of lessons, which in my book is better than easy.

The first dentist I went to was a waste of time in the sense that he did not listen to my complaints seriously. I did learn that I have cavities that need to be dealt with a mild to moderate case of gingivitis that I need to handle. OK. This said office wanted me to get my teeth cleaned BEFORE taking care of the painful cavity, but could not do it for three weeks. OK.

Tuesday afternoon I had an episode of pain that messed with my vision and ability to think. Considering I was driving with my daughter at the time, I made the decision to find a doctor that would handle it NOW. So, I did.

Wednesday, Doctor #2 found out that the cavity is so badly infected it is messing with my sinuses, which I thought was just seasonal allergies. He also gave me two options, do a root canal or take the tooth out. Take the damn thing out! But before doing that I have to be on antibiotics to clear the infection. OK.

Went to the pharmacist and they do not have the order. OK. Since it was about 10 minutes after my appointment I decided to wait to call Dr. #2's office to make sure they sent it. Forty five minutes later the pharmacy still had not gotten it. Called Dr. #2, they were backed up and had not called it in yet. OK.

Called pharmacy and they asked all the same questions they asked me the first two times I called them, what's your last name, your date of birth, have you filled here before? You are not in our system! Ugg! I just wanted to scream, did you get the order or not!! I refrained, but could not hold back the discomfort.

Thursday the pain was so bad I called and they prescribed me some Norco...these seem to take the edge off. Today, Friday, the pain is still bad. The Norco's do not see to be working any more and the anti's have not seemed to kick in. I can feel the pressure of the infection in my sinuses. The only thing that seems to work temporarily is cold water. Eating involves a lot of cold water. This sucks, I should have listened to my parents and continued dental care after flying the coupe. But like my dad says, "You always have to learn things the hard way." My response, "That is my nature, you become wiser that way."

Keeping the faith!
Thanks for reading, friends. Love and light!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Home and OTC remedies for infected tooth

While the only sure thing to getting rid of tooth pain is to go to the dentist and have the problem dealt with, here is a list of things I have tried and know to work for tooth pain on a temporary basis for a badly infected tooth.

  • Salt water rinses - I have used both table salt and sea salt. Both will help draw the infection out and help with the pain.
  • Brush teeth with a sensitive toothpaste.
  • Rinse with a mouth wash like Listerine (I use the store brands).
  • Ibuprofen, Tylenol - I usually just buy the store brands.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide rinse - I know there has been much debate on whether this is safe. My mother has been telling me to try this so I did. Do a 50/50 ratio with water and hydrogen peroxide, or if you are worried about it use less hydrogen peroxide. Swish it in your mouth, spit it out, leave your mouth open so the oxygen can help activate the hydrogen peroxide. You will feel the tingle :) Keep doing that and be sure not to swallow.  Once you are done, rinse your mouth with just plain water a few times. Sounds crazy, (especially if you have ever encountered HydroMan the GV looney) but it does work. Just do not swallow!
  • Anbesol - You can find this at any grocery store or pharmacy. It takes the pain away for a little while and numbs your mouth. 
Now I have never tried this but wanted to and just never got around to making it. Theives Oil, a blend of different oils is said to help with cavities.  If you try this, let me know what you think! I am still interested to trying for other purposes as it is suppose to be anti everything and good for flu/cold season as well as cleaning your house.

Keeping the faith!

Thanks for reading friends! I hope this blog post helps somebody out!

Monday, October 7, 2013

The next step to ultimate health...

THE DENTIST! As a kid it did not seem to phase me, I do remember asking a lot of questions and being very concerned about what they docs were doing but do not remember the anxiety that I feel now.

Uggg, in my adult life I guess I allow myself to get inside my own head when it comes to the dentist. I have a hard time taking my daughter, who is also quiet scared of the venture. While on the outside I am calm and telling her it is going to be alright, I am freaking out on the inside.

It is those lights, machines and the drills that bother me. The noise is NO FUN! That is why I have left this aspect of my health for last. In two weeks I will be going to the dentist for the first time in 18 years, yes, 18 years! Since it has been so long I will be undergoing a full assessment with X-rays and all. I know I have a couple of cavities because I can see them and feel them, but thought an assessment would be a good start. I must also add that I have scheduled and canceled this said appointment twice partially because of funds but mostly due to fear. I have no choice at this point as the cavities are starting to hurt and must be dealt with before they become a bigger problem.

So until the 21st my life will consist of salt water rinses and Ibuprofen. That is what I get for not being responsible and going to the dentist!

I am silently freaking out! But I know that if my daughter can do it then so can I!