Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Home and OTC remedies for infected tooth

While the only sure thing to getting rid of tooth pain is to go to the dentist and have the problem dealt with, here is a list of things I have tried and know to work for tooth pain on a temporary basis for a badly infected tooth.

  • Salt water rinses - I have used both table salt and sea salt. Both will help draw the infection out and help with the pain.
  • Brush teeth with a sensitive toothpaste.
  • Rinse with a mouth wash like Listerine (I use the store brands).
  • Ibuprofen, Tylenol - I usually just buy the store brands.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide rinse - I know there has been much debate on whether this is safe. My mother has been telling me to try this so I did. Do a 50/50 ratio with water and hydrogen peroxide, or if you are worried about it use less hydrogen peroxide. Swish it in your mouth, spit it out, leave your mouth open so the oxygen can help activate the hydrogen peroxide. You will feel the tingle :) Keep doing that and be sure not to swallow.  Once you are done, rinse your mouth with just plain water a few times. Sounds crazy, (especially if you have ever encountered HydroMan the GV looney) but it does work. Just do not swallow!
  • Anbesol - You can find this at any grocery store or pharmacy. It takes the pain away for a little while and numbs your mouth. 
Now I have never tried this but wanted to and just never got around to making it. Theives Oil, a blend of different oils is said to help with cavities.  If you try this, let me know what you think! I am still interested to trying for other purposes as it is suppose to be anti everything and good for flu/cold season as well as cleaning your house.

Keeping the faith!

Thanks for reading friends! I hope this blog post helps somebody out!

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