Monday, October 7, 2013

The next step to ultimate health...

THE DENTIST! As a kid it did not seem to phase me, I do remember asking a lot of questions and being very concerned about what they docs were doing but do not remember the anxiety that I feel now.

Uggg, in my adult life I guess I allow myself to get inside my own head when it comes to the dentist. I have a hard time taking my daughter, who is also quiet scared of the venture. While on the outside I am calm and telling her it is going to be alright, I am freaking out on the inside.

It is those lights, machines and the drills that bother me. The noise is NO FUN! That is why I have left this aspect of my health for last. In two weeks I will be going to the dentist for the first time in 18 years, yes, 18 years! Since it has been so long I will be undergoing a full assessment with X-rays and all. I know I have a couple of cavities because I can see them and feel them, but thought an assessment would be a good start. I must also add that I have scheduled and canceled this said appointment twice partially because of funds but mostly due to fear. I have no choice at this point as the cavities are starting to hurt and must be dealt with before they become a bigger problem.

So until the 21st my life will consist of salt water rinses and Ibuprofen. That is what I get for not being responsible and going to the dentist!

I am silently freaking out! But I know that if my daughter can do it then so can I!

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