Friday, June 21, 2013

Summer Solstice Sunset...and Moon ☀

"When I admire the wonder of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in worship of the Creator."  ~Mahatma Gandhi

I love my dog! Have I mentioned that? She is the only being who will gladly go sunset chasing with me and have a smile on her face the entire time :)~

I found it a wee bit strange that the sun was out and high in the sky well before the sunset. But, okay...I enjoyed it!

I hope you enjoyed this post! Love and light my friends ☯

I found me!

What I found out was that I do not give into things easily, I am stubborn and I am strong. When I was a kid, these attributes were not very much appreciated, but they are serving me well now, LOL ☠

I have been walking a little here and there and taking pictures everywhere...I think this is my "thing", my "make me happy", my "passion". I feel whole when I am in nature with my camera and dog. 

"You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition.  What you'll discover will be wonderful.  What you'll discover is yourself."  ~Alan Alda

Here are the latest pictures from my walks...

The view from my Mom's front yard, she also have a walking trail right outside her house!
The view from my Mom's front yard, but on a different day.

Me and Pup enjoying the sun on Summer Solstice ☼

I am pretty sure Pup and I are not supposed to be here, but so glad we are! ☮
Love this shot, this is one of the moments where I feel whole.

Me and the sun, it is a beautiful thing :)

Anyone know what this is? It is a cool plant? It has flowers in the Spring that turn to these sticker things in the Summer.

Well that is all we have for now folks! Thanks for reading, love and light! 


Mind over matter, it has always worked for me!

So the past several weeks have been a test sent from the Universe. I was tested in strength, both mentally and physically. I was tested in will and most importantly I was tested in self love. Being diagnosed with anxiety, depression (based upon a silly test on a silly piece of paper) and tension head aches was a huge eye opener for me and made me see that I fell into a place that I had worked so hard to stay away from. Back to square one you could say, but this time I had the knowledge and experience to pull myself out of it.

While I do feel that people do live with depression daily, I do not buy into the concept that everyone needs to take medications for it. I am not a depressed person. I am a female, need I say more?! As John Trudell says, While the feelings of depression do come in and out of my life, it is not me. Period.

I did not truly believe in anxiety, of course, until it became part of my reality and effected me physically. There are people in my life that suffer from it and while most of them truly suffer for no reason known to them, I did feel that some peoples experiences with it (if not all of it) was brought on by themselves, their lifestyles and their decisions (past and present). Lesson learned. Like a friend once said, "God will always give you what you do not understand". Thank you Universe for setting me straight! I have always been anxious, but was able to talk myself out of it. This time I was unable to do so and the anxiety became physical, not just mental/emotional. Each day gets better and I know I will get past this.

Tension headaches, well, they suck and there is really no fix for them other then relaxing and de-stressing yourself. Right? Still working on this but ya know, life could be worse. I am not going to die, all the tests I have had look great. Still waiting on the appointment for the MRI but doc said not to worry about this as they are just following up on a brain scan that came up with some inconclusive results. He said this happens all the time and that they have to follow up on it (for liability reasons) and it usually results in nothing. 

So what am I doing to fix myself? I tried Sertraline (generic Zoloft)...had a reaction and will never take any psycho drugs again. Just another experience to remind myself that the pharmaceutical companies are not there to help us. Sure, I get that idea of taking a drug to keep your heart, kidneys, liver or other essential organs working, but let's not mess with the brain! It does not seem logical to take a drug that has the same exact side effects as what you are experiencing and that makes you sick for weeks before it "might" work. Only to find out that it does not and that you have to go through the whole process until you find a drug that "might" work. What a racket!

Mediation, positive thoughts, walking, nature, photography, loving my peeps and loving myself enouph to know that I am strong and worth it is what is working. Mind over matter, it has always worked for me!

You could be saying to yourself, "Wow, this chick in nuts" or "Hey, she has a point", either way...thanks for reading :)

Love and light my friends! Happy Summer Solstice! ☼

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

And the winners are...

I am a tad behind...back in the ER to learn, but with no surprise, that I am experiencing anxiety. Like a good friend says, this too shall pass! I am gonna kick it in it's ass. I have no time for this :)

So, the winner's of my first ever giveaway are....

1st Prize - TINA ENNIS, you win an array of natural body care products

2nd Prize - BARBIE BALSAMO REALINI (aka Parlor Girl), you win some natural body care

3rd Prize - JAIME FOUNTAIN, you win a pair of earrings

Ladies, please message me at with your mailing address and I will get your items off to you asap!!

THANK YOU to each person who participated! While I did not get the results I hoped for, it was fun!