Sunday, February 24, 2013

Wise words, walks and more hearts...oh my!

I missed Friday's walk because of time constraints and work load. I am fine with that because we got a good walk in on the others days. I still feel like I need to step it up a bit and will be fitting in Dr. Oz's 7 Day Belly Workout again sometime this coming week.

I have not been on a scale since my last doctors appointment but I can feel my bottom and waist are getting thinner. I have not changed the amount that I eat, just the choices that I make. I will admit that the two boxes of Girl Scout Cookies I bought on Friday are almost gone ;) I can reassure you that on my plate at dinner you now see more salad then meat and barely any bread. Early day meal choices consist of fruit, leftovers, lettuce wraps and Cheerios with local honey added.

I have even better news; seems that my family is following my example. My hubby has been walking a little with his cousin and my daughter has been doing extra exercises in her room after school (crunches, squats, leg lifts, etc). Part of this journey was to make a healthier life for them as well.

Here are some exercise quotes to help get the motivation juices flowing...

“My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the heck she is.” ~ Ellen DeGeneres

 “All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols

“An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

And here is one that will get me going today...

“Get comfortable with being uncomfortable!”~ Jillian Michaels

Nobody likes to be taken out of their comfort zone, yet it seems that true growth (personal, mental, physical, spiritual, any growth) happens just outside that area.

Thursday was busy so Pup and I left 20 minutes earlier than we normally would to pick up my daughter from school. On Rough and Ready Highway by Twin Cities Church there is a walking trail and we just walked back and forth on that a few times until we had no time left.

I love exploring new trails, you never know what you might find!

Always nice on Litton Trails!
Of course! It would not be a normal day without seeing at least one heart!
My daughter is starting to see them in objects too. She found one side to a heart, the silly thing is my Mom found the other side the other day and kept it. Now, my daughter has a full heart to share tomorrow at school.

This will be part of a project. My daughters hands and heart are full of love!

Well, today is Sunday. I know that there will be a walk today; when is the real question. I guess it will happen when and where it happens. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend! Until next time, I be walking!

Love and light my friends, thanks for reading!

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