Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Dr. Oz & more hearts...

Yesterday I announced that I was going to start Dr. Oz's 7 Day Belly Workout, and I did! Started on the exercise for Wednesday, The Ab Tilt. While this was fairly easy, I could feel the workout on the second rep. I did as many as my back allowed me, six or so. Then stretched and did 20 crunches. Not a massive workout, but it is a start! Tomorrow I will try the Stomach Scissors.

I saw another heart on yesterdays walk and saw many more today. Sometimes I think, "I wonder if I will see a heart here" and it will appear with in a few minutes. It is amazing!

Pup and I took the big hill today. I made it 3/4 of the way up with out having to stop; that is improvement!

Here is the heart the I saw in a rock yesterday...

...and I saw one in a log today.

This is a heart that I noticed on my kitchen table. My daughter makes a mess with glue, markers, paint and whatever else she is creating with. I think this is glue.

I imagine that the hearts I see are messages from Angels. What that message is I am still figuring out; is it my heart, am I being loved, is it because I choose love???? Only time will tell...LOVE AND LIGHT!


  1. Sarah, I read your blogs when I can. Always interesting! Love the hearts...great pix. I think the hearts are a message of love from above! Congrats on starting the exercise sounds rough! Unfortunately those I can't do...walking and riding an exercise bike is best for me. Anyway, keep up the good work!! Before u know it, we shall all see a "new you"! :)

    1. It will be interesting to see how many of these I will be able to do. Thank you for the encouragement and thanks for all the comments! I think you are right, messages from Angels <3
