Thursday, March 21, 2013

Why do I share so much about myself with you?

Many of you may be wondering why I share so much about myself. The answer to that is actually pretty simple. This started out as a way for me to be accountable for getting healthy. Social Media is good for that. When you broadcast your intentions they become real, as now the world knows about them. That is a great motivator for me.

As time went by I realized that I also hoped to motivate other people. Since I have started this journey to health I realized that people were reading and listening to my story. Not just by the stats that Blogger provides but by private messages that came filled with gratitude and support. As I meandered through town and was approached by people about this blog it became very apparent that I was on the right track. "Thank you for all that you share about your world" one friend said (honestly, from one who I did not think was reading). You never know whose life you could touch with your words.

I hope to inform. When I was diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt the first time, it was not the doctors who helped me learn about it, it was the information that I found on the internet that helped me. Reading other people's experiences and tips was of huge service to me and I want to give back. Now, I know my doctor will not agree with me, the internet has made a lot of doctors irritated with what their patients find or think is going on. An article in Consumer Reports states, "The patients we surveyed were enthusiastic online researchers; 61 percent reported that they had read about their condition on the Internet. Doctors are not convinced that online research is helpful, to put it mildly. Almost half of physicians we surveyed said online research helps very little or not at all, and just 8 percent thought it was very helpful." I agree with the 8% of doctors, it has helped me greatly. I do have to keep my head in check and not get worked up on the information that I find as most sites like the MayoClinic and WebMD all report on what seems to be the worst case scenario. Food for thought.

Lastly, I do this for attention. Yep, some of the people close to me who seem weary of what I am doing were waiting for this ;) I want to bring attention to being healthy and well balanced. I want to bring attention to how it is not easy for everyone to make changes. I want to bring attention to the struggles of changing. We all only human and the more people see that others are human, well, then maybe they will start making changes themselves. If you have compassion for yourself, it is easier to have compassion for others. This is what I hope to see change in the world. We need less hate and more compassion. Recent research suggests that giving yourself a break and that coming to terms with your imperfections is the first step to better health. I do agree. Once I came to terms with that fact that I was fat, I got angry with my self and that fueled change. Also, part of me wants to bring attention to myself and my accomplishments, businesses and life.I am a people person and I enjoy sharing!

So there you have it, this is why I share so much about myself with the world wide web!

My Arbonne up-line wants to contribute to my giveaway and so I have to delay it for another week or two. Sorry for this, but it means more goodies for you!

Love and light!


  1. Hey I don't read your blogs regularly, but when I do stop thru, I'm amazed at what a wonderful writer you are, and how honest and up front u are! Happy to hear blogging helps u to get a grip, and begin that long journey toward better u know, I, too, have begun to really look at what I'm eating. I've lost some, but have slacked off on really putting my all into losing'll come. I'm continuing to track my points on the weight watchers site, and that helps me a lot. Keep it up, Sarah, u are on the right path!!

  2. Gotta keep it real, Cathi! You look great! Keep doing what you are doing too, the Winter months (what we normally know as Winter) are the hardest to get motivated. The days are short and everything seems so dismal. Alas, the Spring Equinox is here and I can already feel the difference is the air! Love the comments and the support, dear friend <3
