Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 8 - Everyday I am juggling...

9:06 am - I did not start Dr. Oz's 7 Day Belly Workout the other day, maybe today. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next week. I am not too worried about when I start that, I just need to keep walking. Until that task is instilled in my day to day tasks just as checking my email or having a cup of coffee is I cannot stop.

I have been working since 7 am and have enough work to keep me busy for the next month. Bookkeeping, newsletters, new year organizing, making, selling, all has to be done. So does my daily walk...

Everyday I feel like I am juggling many different things, pulling me in many different directions. I have to be able to change focus instantly and then have to be able to go back in to what I was working on. For instance, as I tried to write this last sentence the phone rang 3 times for our business. Yahooo, love it when the phone rings because that means we have work!

While the day does go by fast, I fear that it will go by with out my daily walk from time to time. Priorities.

11:56 pm - I am having a hard time concentrating on work today, I really just feel like writing so I will have to do both. As the day goes by, the phone continues to ring and more work is created :) It is a double edge sword when you are already behind...

1:06 pm - Still longing for a walk! Got a few more things that HAVE to be done today and then it looks like a late afternoon walk! Thank you, Mom for coming over to entertain the little one.

3:18 pm - Just got back from a nice walk around the woods with my Mom and daughter. Motivation did not come easy today but a break from the office was desperately needed and a walk was the perfect way to get away. However it comes I will take it! Here is an image of the area we sometimes walk. Beautiful, huh?


  1. That's really nice to have such beauty surrounding us, isn't it?? Keep up the walks, Sarah...I've been on weight watchers and it's a constant battle to keep within the "points" for the day, but I've been doing it and it's showing now in loose pants, resolution is to keep it up...forever, really. Hang in there, women are the best multi-taskers I know. U can do it! ~Cathi

  2. Thanks for the inspiration, Cathi! Weight Watchers has worked for a lot of people! In fact, you are the third person whom is close who it has worked well for. Great for you! I am in this for the long hall :)
