Thursday, February 26, 2015

Sunny Hope

Cancer. Awful, horrible cancer. Lately, the word has come up all to often.

A good friend, hysterectomy in her 30's. Another good friend, breast cancer in her 30's. A new friend tells me of her battle with cancer at an age all to young. Kids with cancer, dogs with cancer and cancer, cancer, cancer. Damn it cancer!

A Facebook video makes it way into my news feed about girls in their 20's with breast cancer. The culprit? Possibly from keeping their cell phones in the bra. No, really! Check out the video here.

All this got me thinking. Numbness, paranoid-ness, fear...BUT then I had an epiphany. WHAT IF CANCER DID NOT HAVE TO LEAVE US FEELING THIS WAY. What if we made the conscious decision to feel alive, feel pronoia and faith? I know, easier said than done. And who am I to have the thought as I have never been through this before. So if I ever do, please remind me that I wrote this.

I am smart enough to know that after a diagnosis of such you go through shock. Shock that leaves you feeling nothing but numb and dumb. Suddenly everything you knew was turned upside down. The questions. How? What now? ? ? ? ?

I have also been so stupid to have learned the lesson that positive thoughts in the present moment will resolve all mentioned above. Hence, getting to a place where you can replace the nubmness, paranoid-ness and fear with life, pronoia and faith. Nothing can be more important, not the treatment not anything!

Again, remind me of this if I should ever find myself in a place where I cannot see past an illness.

Just some thoughts about an illness that I so not know much about but a concept I know all too well.
Love and light!

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