I suppose I should start this blog up again. It kept me accountable for doing my daily walk.
I almost did not go today, again. Though this time it was not for the usual excuses I tell myself but because I did not have a good feeling about it.
Pup and I were off, I noticed a car with no body in it so I knew that someone was out and about the many trails by my house.
Nice day to take a walk in the woods...and get into a dog fight ;) |
I decided to follow pups lead today. We went to the usual spot, the place where she knows I will take her off the leash if I feel all is well. But I decided to not take her off the leash this time and I am glad I followed my instincts.
We got to the point where we usually turn around and out of nowhere two dogs ran full speed up to us. One was friendly and just wanted to say hello, the other immediately jumped on Pup. My dog being the protective being that she is, started to fight based upon the mixed signals the second dog was projecting. That is how it began; a two on one full blown dog fight. The owner was not in sight. I screamed for them to get their dogs. Finally, a woman came running and called to them. Never did she come up to where the fight was. I however was standing in the middle of it. The friendly dog listened immediately but the other dog did not. Still she just stood 20 feet away and called to her dog. Finally it all stopped and the stupid woman put her dogs on a leash. I thanked her (because I was taught to be polite) and turned around to walk the way we were coming. The woman started to follow us. Of course my dog was distracted with this and it made it hard for us to leave.
The only one who got hurt was me, by the leash that my dog was on. I understand, she was taking them to a secluded area to unleash them, I do that with Pup. But geeezzz, it still pissed me off!
Love and light, my friends!